We work very hard to be the benchmarks in the geographical areas in which we are established, in technological innovation for any of the industrial areas in which we participate, with this same spirit we select our collaboratos, partners and managers. TANTAUCO's vision of the future obliges the group's businesses to fully comply with our corporate social responsibility (CSR). We are commited to sustainable businesses that are of value to the ecosystem in which they are developed, which forces us to be generators of job sources, friendly with the environment and respectful of our competitors. We are and will always be innovation, technology and development, we are a human team that has a strong conviction in the declarations of principles that govern our north.
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10 months ago
EtMday 2023: miedo al fracaso, el factor que frena el emprendimiento en Chile | Diario Financiero
Durante el taller “Hackeando el miedo al fracaso” (José Cariaga y Francisco Videla) y la charla “Cuéntame la firme” (Roberto Camhi) se explicaron las causas y el impacto de este problema que...